Haldimand Norfolk Housing

Update to All Residents – April 24, 2020


Dear Residents:

I hope you are healthy and safe!

For all of us, our lives remain uncertain, restrictions are still in place and have been extended. Unfortunately, we still are unable to plan events and activities because we don’t know when things will open up so we can begin the “new normal”.  However, there are some things we can celebrate and be grateful for:

  • Your diligence in following the recommendations of the Ontario Health Ministry and the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit are working. We have had no reports of any of our residents or staff being infected by COVID-19.  Please continue to exercise social distancing, it’s working!
  • Our janitorial contractors have stepped up and their hard work is also a big part of the reason our residents and staff have stayed healthy.
  • Our community – residents in Haldimand and Norfolk have pulled together during the last few weeks and have shown what being part of a community means. Just a few examples are:
      • Aqua Nails and Dover Apothecary dropped off a jug of hand sanitizer to our office when they found out we were low.
      • Sewing groups have offered and will be making masks for our seniors.
      • Volunteers are helping individuals who are self-isolating get food delivered.

Our Property Management team also has some things our residents can look forward to:

  • Our Landscapers are gearing up for Spring clean up – summer contracts start May 1st
  • Other Spring projects include:
      • Sprucing up building entrances and curb appeal
      • Enhancements such as benches & bike racks
      • Common Room and Garbage Room updates
      • More neighbourhood clean-up projects

We are working on our Spring Newsletter and hope to have it out to all residents in Mid-May.  It will include important information, some fun activities with prizes, and a tenant survey which can be completed and mailed back, or filled out on-line. Of course, any time you have feedback you can always use the “Talk to Us” form at the bottom of each website page.

Once again, thank you very much for all your efforts, it’s truly inspiring to see how everyone is working together so that we can all be healthy and safe!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”     Margaret Mead

Warmest regards,
Matt Bowen

For a list of important telephone numbers and helpful links, please click here.

Important Numbers and Links from the Health Unit

Here are some helpful phone numbers and links we found on the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit webpage:

(anything this color is a link, click it for more information)

Telehealth Ontario – For medical advice, you may contact Telehealth Ontario, a free, confidential service. A Registered Nurse will take your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 1-866-797-0000

Feeling Ill – If you feel ill, please consult your primary care provider

HNHU COVID-19 Hotline – For general inquiries regarding COVID-19, please call the HNHU COVID-19 hotline 519-426-6170 ext. 9999

Environmental Health Team hotline – For all COVID-19 inquiries related to or regarding Food Premises, Migrant Farms, Special Events, Personal Service Settings, Child Care Centers or Workplaces (non-health care setting) 519-426-6128

Telemedicine – In following social distancing recommendations in light of COVID-19, visits are available from the comfort of your own home at telemedinnovations.ca

Enforcement Hotline – Help enforce public health orders meant to help contain the spread of COVID-19 519-428-8019

For urgent situations requiring immediate medical care, call 911

How to keep healthy – both mentally and physically

As COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold and new information is being quickly it might feel hard to keep up. It’s important to take a step back and focus on what you can control to best support you and your family’s mental health. Here are some resources that might be helpful. (click to link)

Coping with stress and anxiety (CAMH)

Talking to children about COVID-19 and its impact (CAMH)

Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak (World Health Organization)

Coping with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak (World Health Organization)

“Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety and improve our mood and overall health. If you are self-isolated, find ways to exercise in your home. For example, use your stairs or follow an exercise video on YouTube.” – CAMH

“Eating healthily can help us feel better. When we are stressed, many people might choose comfort foods that are not actually good for stress and overall health. As much as is possible, choose more fruits and vegetables, and drink lots of water.” – CAMH

Update to All Residents – April 17, 2020

To Our Residents:

As many of you know, the Ontario government has extended the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for an additional 28 days – to May 12, 2020.

HNHC continues to be deemed an essential service and we continue to be operating under the Emergency guidelines:

  • Our office remains closed to the public, but staff continues to work supporting our residents by telephone, email, or through our website.
  • All common rooms/areas at our apartment buildings continue to be closed and we encourage our residents to please follow physical distancing guidelines – please self-isolate; do not congregate in hallways, inside or outside the building; if you have to leave your apartment, wash your hands before leaving and immediately upon return, and don’t touch your face until your hands have been properly washed.
  • To limit tenant and contractor exposure, we continue to issue only urgent repairs related to safety, security, or sanitation.

We are continuing our Resident Wellness Checks.  We have spoken with almost all of our senior residents and are continuing with residents of our apartment buildings who live alone.  If we weren’t able to reach you yet, and you have any questions or concerns, please call us!  We are in the office. We have lists of resources that can help you.

Our community is going through a very difficult and stressful time right now.  We recognize that many people are experiencing a heightened level of anxiety and we want to reassure you that this is perfectly normal.  Please call us or reach out to friends or family (by telephone, email, text).  Please remember to respect other people’s space – people are not ignoring or pulling away from you to be mean, they are distancing themselves for your safety and theirs.

We would like to remind you of some of the resources available to you:

  • If you have lost your job, please contact Canada EI Services.
  • If EI doesn’t apply to you, but you have lost income, visit the CERB website (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) to see if you qualify.
  • If you are experiencing any symptoms or have concerns about a health issue, call your family doctor or Telehealth Ontario at 1-800-461-4319.
  • If you have problems accessing food, contact the Community Food Hotline at 519-426-6170, or 905-318-6623, ext. 3793 (please leave a message, they will call you back).
  • If you are having trouble paying your rent, call us at 519-426-7792 or 1-800-265-2819 (ext. 116 for Norfolk residents and ext. 113 for Haldimand residents). We can direct you to additional resources that may be able to help.
  • You can make rental payments through e-transfer (click for instructions).

Finally, we want to thank you.  Our residents have been handling the current situation extremely well.  You have been patient and understanding.  This pandemic has defined us as a community and we here at HNHC could not be prouder of the community we are a part of.

On behalf of the Board and Staff of HNHC,

Thank you.

Matt Bowen


Landscape Contractors On-Site – A Letter from our Property Manager

Attn: Residents:

The Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation (HNHC) is a not-for-profit community housing provider and is operating during the COVID-19 Pandemic under the Order of the Ontario Government.  Following advice from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, on April 3, 2020, Ontario updated the list of essential businesses that can remain open.  HNHC falls under the following category:

Health Care & Social Services

  1. Not-for profit organizations that support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals.

Our Landscape and other contractors have been contracted by HNHC to provide maintenance, repair, and property management services to properties owned and managed by the Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation.

As such, these contractors and their employees are providing an essential service and falls under the following category:


  1. Maintenance, repair and property management services strictly necessary to manage and maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings.

Our Landscape and other contractors are providing services that are essential to the operation of HNHC to continue to provide safe, sanitary conditions for our residents. Per the guidance issued by the Government of Ontario on April 3, 2020, it is essential for these landscapers and their employees to continue working.

HNHC and its contractors remain compliant with the public health recommendations, have implemented social distancing measures, and have taken steps to ensure their employees have access to appropriate personal protective equipment when necessary.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact the Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation at 519-426-7792 or 1-800-265-2819.

Kind regards,

Tricia Feist
Property Manager
Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation
Ext. 123

Update to All Residents – April 1, 2020

To Our Residents:

This is an update to our previous notices and correspondence to keep you informed about our response to COVID-19.  Your health and safety continue to be a top priority for us!

Our office is still closed to the public, but our staff are working hard to meet residents’ needs, keep up on the latest information so that we can keep you informed, and to work with our partners to find solutions for problems that are arising during this crisis.

Wellness Checks:   To ensure that we are doing everything we can to keep you safe and secure during the COVID-19 pandemic, HNHC Community Housing Staff will be reaching out to our residents via telephone to complete wellness checks and to find out what services some of our more vulnerable tenants may need. We will be starting with our seniors and residents who reside in single bedroom apartments. Many of these residents may feel isolated, may have issues related to access to food, medications, or other basic needs. We do encourage any resident who may be experiencing any of these issues to please contact us. We have been researching resources in the community that may be able to assist with your needs.

We have been speaking with the staff of Haldimand Norfolk Social Services and Housing regularly.  We can report that the staff of Social Services and Housing are primarily working from home in an effort to allow the Health Unit the space that they need to conduct their vital work. But they would like you to know that services remain open and you can still reach them by telephone.  Since staff are working remotely, you will have to leave them a message and your call will be picked up and forwarded to the appropriate worker.  They are also running a Community Food Hotline. If anyone is struggling with access to food as a result of COVID-19 self-isolation, please call 519-426-6170 or 905-318-6623, extension 3793. Please leave a message with your name, address and telephone number – they will call you back!

Rent Payments:  We encourage you to pay your rent using e-transfer. If you are not set up for e-transfer all the details can be found on our e-transfer document.

If you are having any trouble paying your rent due to loss of income, please call and let us know – we can help direct you to services that can help!

If you have lost your job and need to apply for Employment Insurance, please visit Canada EI Services

Maintenance:  We will continue to respond to urgent and emergency maintenance requests that impact your health and safety.  Routine maintenance requests will continue to be deferred to a later date.  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work with our contractors to safely address urgent issues.  Maintenance requests can be submitted by telephone (see below), email (maint@hnhousing.ca) or here on our website.

As a reminder, please do not flush anything besides toilet paper down the toilet. We are trying to minimize the need for a maintenance person to attend your unit.  Your cooperation with respect to this request will help tremendously.

It is very important that you continue to practice social distancing and self-isolation.  We know this can be very difficult!  We encourage you to reach out to family or friends (by telephone, text, email) to touch base, let them know how you are doing or just talk about your day.  If you are finding isolation particularly difficult, Brant Haldimand Canadian Mental Health is offering support by telephone.  Call 1-800-461-4319 and an operator will connect you with services that may help.

Lastly, if you are experiencing any symptoms or have any concerns about your health, please call your family Doctor or TeleHealth Ontario at

We are all in this together and we will continue to get through it together!

Matt Bowen

How to reach HNHC Community Housing by telephone:

If you live in Norfolk County: 519-426-7792
If you live in Haldimand County: 1-800-265-2819


This information is an update to the notices and correspondence that have been posted in our Apartment buildings and mailed to our family homes regarding COVID-19 precautions.

On behalf of the Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation, Long Point Area Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Dunnville Non-Profit Housing Corporation, South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation, and Del-Gold Villa Non-Profit Housing Corporation, we want you to know that your health and safety is a top priority for us.

It is very important that you stay in your homes as much as possible and engage in social distancing. Please DO NOT congregate in common areas of the building, including lobbies, yards, or laundry rooms.

It is for this reason that as of March 16, 2020, we closed all Apartment building Common Rooms and public washrooms.

In addition to this, as of Monday, March 16, 2020, our janitorial contractors were instructed to provide extra time on cleaning and disinfecting the following, but not limited to, high-risk areas. This additional work will be completed, at this time, during the regularly scheduled cleaning days:

1.  All stairwell and corridor handrails
2.  Entrance/ Exit doors & handles
3.  All Laundry Room flat work surfaces and laundry machines
4.  All building mailbox units
5.  Elevator surfaces
6.  Enterphones

Further Action HNHC is taking in response to COVID-19:

Office: Effective March 17, 2020, our office closed to the public until further notice. Staff are available by telephone or email to assist our tenants.

Maintenance: We will continue to respond to urgent and emergency maintenance requests that impact your health and safety. Routine maintenance will be deferred to a later date at this time. This is to protect the health of our residents as well as the health of our contractors. We ask for your patience and understanding of the delays associated with routine maintenance requests.

Rent and Income Changes: We understand that many of our tenants may experience a significant decrease in household income as many businesses and employers are experiencing temporary shutdowns. During this period we advise you to do the following:

  • Continue to pay as much of your rent as you are able. Where possible, please pay via e-transfer, or by mail.
  • Send in documentation regarding income changes via mail.
  • Please note that: HNHC will not proceed with eviction due to outstanding rent balance during the temporary shutdown; however, it is very important that you keep us informed if your income changes due to COVID-19 and that you pay your rent as much as possible. Please be advised that you will be responsible for outstanding rent balances accumulated during the shutdown. Please contact your Property Manager should this occur.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our communities safe and healthy. We wish you and your families all the best during this difficult time.

Temporary Office Closure – Update to Our Response to Covid-19

Following suit with many organizations around the world, HNHC is addressing how to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are following the guidelines outlined in our Pandemic Plan, as well as recommendations from the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit, our Service Manager (Norfolk County), the World Health Organization, and the Ontario Health Ministry.

Effective March 19, 2020 our office will be closed to the public until further notice. We will continue to serve our residents and will be available by telephone, email, or through our website; www.hnhousing.ca.

Emergency repairs at our rental homes will continue; however, non-emergency repairs will be suspended until further notice. Rental payments may be made via e-transfer or by mail.

While we need to take reasonable precautions, there is no need to panic. Public health officials want us to slow the progression of the virus to help keep the health care system from becoming over-burdened and to minimize the risk to the most vulnerable.

Matt Bowen
Chief Executive Officer

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