Haldimand Norfolk Housing

Ontario’s Rent Increase Guidelines for 2021

Rent freeze for 2021

The Government of Ontario has passed legislation to freeze rent at 2020 levels. This means that rents will not increase in 2021 for the vast majority of rented units covered under the Residential Tenancies Act.

The rent freeze applies to most tenants living in:

  • rented houses, apartments, and condos (including units occupied for the first time for residential purposes after November 15, 2018)
  • basement apartments
  • care homes (including retirement homes)
  • mobile home parks
  • land lease communities
  • rent-geared-to-income units and market rent units in community housing
  • affordable housing units created through various federally and/or provincially funded programs

While the rent freeze will end on December 31, 2021, landlords can give proper 90 days’ notice beforehand for a rent increase that takes effect in 2022.


  • Above guideline increases approved by the Landlord and Tenant Board prior to October 1, 2020, may be applied to 2021 rents. New above guideline increases may still be approved by the Landlord and Tenant Board and may still be applied to 2021 rents if they are for costs related to eligible capital repairs and security services, but not if they are for extraordinary increases in municipal taxes and charges.
  • Tenants and landlords can still agree on rent increases in exchange for an extra service or facility (for example, air conditioning or parking).


For more information, visit Ontario’s webpage for Landlords and Tenants.

Notice of AGM for the South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation

The South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation, operating as Quetzal Family Homes, will hold their Annual General Meeting on:

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.

by Zoom Web Conference

Any community members who would like to attend are welcome.  Please RSVP by June 9, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. by email to hnhc@hnhousing.ca to receive a Zoom link by return email as well as a copy of the PDF AGM package.


NEW! Simplified RGI

Big changes coming July 1, 2021!

The Ontario government has changed the legislation (Housing Services Act, 2011 – Ontario Regulation 316/19 Determination of Geared-to-income Rent under Section 50 of the Act) to simplify the rent-geared-to-income program.

What does this mean for our tenants? 

  • Less paperwork to hand in each year – watch for new annual household review packages in the mail
  • Rent charges remain the same for 12 months making it easier to budget
  • Mid-year changes in your rent are allowed only in certain situations and only once per year
  • You must file your tax return each year to remain eligible for subsidy
  • Changes in your household income or occupancy still must be reported within 30 days but may not affect your rent calculation until your lease renewal
  • Income for all full-time students is exempt
  • Child support income is now exempt

Between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, all households will have their RGI calculation reviewed using the new rules.  You will be required to submit your most recent Notice of Assessment or Proof of Income Statement. Both are available online or call the Canada Revenue Agency to have a copy mailed to you – 1-800-267-6999 or log in to My Account on the CRA website.

Questions?  Please call your PMA, either Clair ext. 113 or Kyra ext. 116.  They are here to help you!


Residents of Norfolk County call 519-426-7792
Residents of Haldimand County call 1-800-265-2819


HNHC Spring/Summer Newsletter is Here!

HNHC’s biannual newsletter, The Porchlight was mailed to our residents on May 18, 2021.

The Spring/Summer 2021 Porchlight included the newsletter and two inserts; a tenant resource document with contact information for organizations who support our community, and a Tenant Information Sheet (apartment version and family home version).

To see pdf’s of these documents, please see click below

The Porchlight, Spring/Summer 2021

Tenant Resources

Tenant Information Sheet – Apartments

Tenant Information Sheet – Family Homes



Thank you to our Volunteers!

The Staff of HNHC would like to thank all of our volunteers who dedicate their time and effort to helping us to serve the residents of our community.  Without our volunteers, we would not be able to reach our goals in providing safe, affordable, quality housing.

Common Room – Spring Updates

Our property management team has been hard at work this Spring updating many of the common rooms and common areas in our apartment buildings.  This means new flooring, new lighting fixtures, new paint, and other upgrades.  New furniture is also on the way !

Below are some pictures of the great work that’s already been completed.  We can’t wait for the furniture to arrive!

Community Partners Working Together to Fight COVID-19

Local Heroes

(Not all heroes wear capes)  

Through the collaboration of the HN Health Unit, the Norfolk County Paramedicine Program,
and HNHC, local paramedics are conducting COVID-19 vaccination clinics for our
residents, building-by-building.  


“The program has been very successful,” reported Property Manager, Todd Smith, “by visiting the building first to set
appointments and answer any questions residents may have, they’ve reported almost 100% attendance.
Through coordination with the Health Unit, the paramedic team is able to contact individuals on the waitlist
to use up any leftover doses which means no wasted vaccine.” 

Way to Go!

HNHC is grateful to all of our community partners who have assisted our residents in many ways over
the last year and
continue their steadfast support.  



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