Haldimand Norfolk Housing

Resident Satisfaction Survey – June 2020

Attention All Residents:

Our Spring/Summer newsletter includes a Resident Satisfaction Survey which you can complete and mail in (using the self-addressed stamped envelope we included) or you can fill out the survey online:

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Resident Satisfaction Survey

This anonymous survey is intended for all residents of Haldimand Norfolk Housing Corporation and the Non-Profit Housing providers we manage; Dunnville Non-Profit Housing Corporation, Long Point Area Non-Profit Housing Corporation, South & Metcalfe Non-Profit Housing Corporation, and Del-Gold Villa Non-Profit Housing Corporation.


HNHC communicates with our residents by telephone, email, letter post, signage in apartment buildings, and more recently through our new website www.hnhousing.ca (click on “Latest News” for updates and resident communications).
Are you satisfied with the manner and frequency HNHC communicates with you?
When you speak with our staff, do you feel you are spoken to respectfully?
Have you been visiting our new website? (prior to now)

Health & Safety

Are you satisfied with the cleanliness of your home (apartment building and common areas)?
Are repairs and maintenance completed in a timely manner?
What would you say is the average time you have had to wait for a repair?
Are our contractors respectful?
Do you feel safe in your home?

Resident Satisfaction

Overall, how satisfied are you with HNHC?
Completely SatisfiedSomewhat SatisfiedNeither Satisfied or DissatisfiedCompletely DissatisfiedSomewhat Dissatisfied
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
Completely Dissatisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
OPTIONAL: To be eligible for our monthly gift card draw, please add your name and make sure that your address has been included at the top of the survey.

Thank you for completing our survey! Please click submit:

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